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What Stocktonites Were Doing 98 Years Ago

Workers last week completed installing the front of the Wright Brothers Store. The design is strictly modern, with two deep window display spaces, and gives the store an attractive appearance. The delay of the material greatly hindered the final work. Now, in view of its completion, it will give this progressive store better window display facilities and greatly enhance its appearance. Now, let the other business owners proceed with civic pride.
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What Stocktonites Were Doing 98 Years Ago

George Parott of Stockton is in the local hospital recovering from an amputation of his left leg above the ankle. The operation resulted from an injury to the foot two years ago. At that time, a heavy weight dropped on his foot, crushing the bones in the member. The foot has been giving him considerable pain, and the trouble constantly increased.
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What Stocktonites Were Doing 98 Years Ago

Mrs. O. S. Ellvin is suffering great pain in her eyes this week due to getting formaldehyde in the optics. Mrs. Ellvin occasionally bathes her eyes with an eye lotion. Still, this time, in preparing herself for the Chautauqua, she took hold of the bottle of formaldehyde by mistake and used it. The pain was intense, and the doctor immediately summoned. Gradually, relief is being felt, and it is thought there will be no impairment to the eyes. Mrs. Ellvin’s many friends will regret learning of her circumstance and trust she will recover nicely from the incident.
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What Stocktonites Were Doing 98 Years Ago

O. E. Riffel this week purchased an interest in the Keeton Oil properties and business of Stockton, and becomes identified with the firm in an active way. Oscar will have charge of one of the big trucks to look after a share of the rural business. W. O. Willis will continue to handle the other truck. Mr. Riffel should be a decided asset to the Keeton Company. He is a four-square man with a string of friends that would reach around old Rooks County—and then some!
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What Stocktonites Were Doing 98 Years Ago

A little more evidence that prosperity is still roosting here is gained by the fact that a couple of residence properties changed hands this week. Mrs. D. H. Scott transferred the title to her house and lots, west of the Jones Hotel, to Frank Halderman. Frank is the owner of the former Sinclair Barber Shop. The other sale is that of the George Hamilton residence property to J. A. Marshall. George and his family have California fever and will shortly move to that state. Archie got a hold of a nicely located property and will move to it as soon as the Hamiltons vacate. Both deals were made through the William Mason Agency.
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What Stocktonites Were Doing 98 Years Ago

The patrons of the Eades Brothers Store will miss the cheery greetings from Bert Eades for the next two weeks. Bert is taking a “vacation” and selling prunes. Mr. Robinson, the regular traveling representative of the Watson Wholesale Grocery Company of Salina, took his vacation, and someone had to cover his territory during his absence. Knowing Bert’s salesmanship qualities, he got Bert to agree to go over his route and sell groceries while he was gone. Bert will cover the territory from Stockton to Glen Elder and Downs to Lenora. It’s a new life for Bert, but we all know he will not weaken.
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What Stocktonites Were Doing 98 Years Ago

A fair showing of oil was struck at the Minx Well. This well is located a few miles south of Zurich and on the Minx & Son Ranch. The depth of the hole at the strike was 3,080 feet, and pay sand was not touched, but the find was made at a limestone formation. It is carefully estimated the flow is about ten barrels. The Minx well is drilled by Findeiss & Fletcher and was spudded in about the first of the year. This is the first showing of oil to be found in Rooks County, but while the strike is light, it will speed up the interest of outside oil concerns and give the county, in general, a feeling that the black gold abounds underneath.
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What Stocktonites Were Doing 98 Years Ago

The owners and managers of the swimming pools in Stockton and Phillipsburg are formulating plans for the purpose of holding a water tournament between the two counties. We have had ball tournaments, golf tournaments, and various other kinds of tournaments, but nothing like a water tournament, and this is what these pool owners want to do. The meet will consist of nine subjects: fifty- foot dash, 75-foot dash, 100-foot dash, 200-foot dash, underwater swim for distance, plunge for distance, 75-foot backhanded stroke swim, fancy diving, and diving for pennies. The one getting the pennies from the bottom of the pool in the shortest time shall be declared the winner. Each team shall be limited only to members who live and reside in their respective cities. The contest is not limited to age and shall include only men and boys, and all to compete together in one class. The meet will be decided by a number of points made by members of each team. The team making the greatest number of points shall be declared the winner. The following system shall be used for scoring: first place in any event shall count five points; second place three points; and third place one point. Each team shall be limited to not more than three entries in each event. Each county is figuring on holding a local meet before the tournament to select contestants. The tryout for Rooks will probably be held in the latter days of July. It might be well for those interested to get in touch with the manager of the Stockton Pool for a definite date to know the rules of the tournament. Such a tournament has a good purpose, which will stimulate more interest in swimming.
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What Stocktonites Were Doing 98 Years Ago

The Ellis County News says the war against bootlegging in eight counties has been waged for the last six weeks by federal prohibition officers working under the direction of George H. War, federal prohibition officer for Kansas, and the net result of “one long series of raids” as a member of the party of officers who have been active here termed it, has been the capture of sixteen stills, 250 gallons of whiskey and 7,000 gallons of mash. Thirty-three arrests have been made, and twenty-two persons accused have pleaded guilty to the charges against them. One of the officers directing the campaign against bootlegging gave the News information regarding the raids in the different counties. He said “the job was done,” and the federal officers would probably leave here on Thursday. Hays has been the agents’ headquarters who have worked in Sheridan, Barton, Decatur, Rooks, Trego, Ellis, Graham, and Russell Counties.
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What Stocktonites Were Doing 98 Years Ago

Mr. King made a deal whereby Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Viers became the owners of the King Café. Flago had conducted the business for several months and succeeded quite well in pleasing the public. Dr. and Mrs. Viers took immediate charge of the café and will conduct the business along lines that appeal to the hungry public. Mrs. Viers said to a reporter that “she loves this kind of work and it was just what she wanted to do.” From that, the public has one guess as to the policy and accommodation it will receive from the café. Dr. Viers, commenting on the purchase, said they had not as yet decided what name they would give the cafe.