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Welcome SPRING with the Worm Moon!

Wed, 03/16/2022 - 14:37
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I don’t know of anyone who is not eager for Spring! Hopefully that big snow of last week was the last gasp of winter. Now we need some good spring rain to come through and get the earth to growing. While Sunday, the 20th, is the official “First Day of Spring,” the Full Moon on Friday night is the “Worm Moon” that really kicks off the Spring season.

The Full Moons always have interesting names, and the story behind the Worm Moon is no different. According to the Farmer’s Almanac, the Full Moon in March is called the Worm Moon. It marks the days that come just before spring when the ground begins to thaw and earthworms begin to move through the soil. It’s a spring-time ritual that we probably don’t think much about. While we are happily putting away the heavy clothes and coats and starting to wear lighter garments, the earthworms are doing their thing, churning up the soil, as well as providing food for other animals and birds. Alternatively, 18th-century explorer Captain Jonathan Carver said the Worm Moon actually refers to beetle larvae emerging from trees and shrubbery.

The Worm Moon will reach its peak illumination in the early morning of March 18, around 2:20 a.m. in our time zone. You go ahead and look for it and let me know just how bright and beautiful it was; I’ll take your word for it!

In astrology, the moon is connected with our emotions, and the Worm Moon represents rebirth, inspiration, and standing in your unique power. So there you go!

Less commonly, the March Full Moon is sometimes called the Sugar Moon due to maple trees beginning to produce sap; the Wind Strong Moon due to the windy days this time of the year tends to bring; or the Sore Eyes Moon, from the strong rays of the sun. I like Worm Moon the best!

The next Full Moon will show on April 16. This Full Moon is called the Pink Moon which gets its name from a pink spring flower, according to the Farmer’s Almanac. Unfortunately, the moon is not pink in color like the name suggests, but it will still be a beautiful moon to view that evening.

So this week, enjoy the Full Moon and just think of all those earthworms that are waking up and starting to wiggle up through the ground beneath your feet!

And pray for rain! The big snow was wonderful, but we need rain to bring in a beautiful springtime!