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Rachael Brooke, Phillips-Rooks District Extension Agent Agriculture and Natural Resources


Most cow-calf producers face price risk. Likewise, most producers manage price risk, even if they do not have an explicit “price risk management strategy.” Three major price risk management strategies are self-insurance, marketing flexibility, and formal price risk management tools. More than one strategy can be used.  

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As I watched the Super Bowl, it occurred to me this is a truly American event only Americans really get. It is a sporting event that is really a national holiday where we celebrate commercials and eat ourselves into oblivion. For most of us the game is the third attraction. Only in the United States would we use the last football game of the season for a reason to gorge ourselves on food we would normally not eat.
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Rachael Brooke, Phillips-Rooks District Extension Agent Agriculture and Natural Resources

Farmers and ranchers face risk every day. Individual producers have tools to mitigate risk, such vaccination and irrigation, but never have complete control over production outcomes. Price risk is one example of the many types of risk that can influence farm income. “Uncertainty” characterizes a situation where outcomes are unknown, while “risky” characterizes situations where potential outcomes are known or understood, but different outcomes can occur.
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Insight From Kansas Farm Bureau

I can’t remember if I was helping check momma cows during calving season or chopping ice during a spell of cold weather when I was inspired to do something I shouldn’t. I do know it was about this time of year when my grandfather’s storytelling found a set of eager ears and launched a journey that would be completed a few weeks later, just about the time spring break rolled around.
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Rachael Brooke, Phillips-Rooks District Extension Agent Agriculture and Natural Resources


As a Kansan working in agriculture, you may experience elevated stress as you work hard to produce quality products, sustain your operation, and support your family.  

Agriculture workers, employees, and the family often work day and night and cannot always avoid stressful and overwhelming situations, especially during a pandemic, drought, fluctuations in market prices, and other situations that are out of their control. Caring for your own health and wellness in your high-stress profession is often overlooked but is just as critical as caring for your operation.

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Rachael Brooke, Phillips-Rooks District Extension Agent Agriculture and Natural Resources


The 2018 Farm Bill allows a new farm program decision between Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC) or Price Loss Coverage (PLC) by March 15, 2022, and each year thereafter until 2023. Higher commodity prices are causing many farmers who have collected PLC payments in the past to now give consideration to ARC.  

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Rachael Brooke, Phillips-Rooks District Extension Agent Agriculture and Natural Resources


Dicamba and Paraquat Training Requirements

Before applying Dicamba and Paraquat formulations, make sure you have checked out the training requirements. Here are some frequently asked questions, provided by the K-State Pesticide Safety and Integrated Pest Managment Program.

2022 Kansas Dicamba Training Information - Frequently Asked Questions