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New addition to Sentinel Business Directory

Look for the new addition of April’s Imagination Photography & Boutique, owned and operated by April Goodenberger, in the Sentinel’s Business Directory starting in this week’s paper. April’s Boutique carries a variety of items, and she is now booking for Class of 2025 Senior Picture Sessions! For more information about her business, go to www.aprils-imagination.
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The 2023 Windbreak Award Winners are Alan Dix and Travis Jones

The 2023 Rooks County Windbreak Award winners are Alan Dix and Travis Jones of Stockton. In 1998, Alan and Travis started planting trees for the Rooks County Conservation District. Their first project was a CRP Enhancement planting on Andreson property. Those first years were dedicated to CRP Enhancement contracts, and they could plant 15,000+ trees in those spring months. Later on, most of the plantings were for windbreaks, so fewer trees were planted.
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Bryah Stithem is this year’s Stockton Grade School Spelling Bee Champion

The 2024 Stockton Grade School Spelling Bee was one for the books. The contest went twentysix rounds with 218 words announced until fourthgrade student Bryah Stithem won the competition after correctly spelling the word “recital.” She went head-to-head with runner-up Kaylee Clayton (fourth grade) for five rounds before Kaylee misspelled the word “inventory.” Rounding out the top four who will represent Stockton at the Rooks County Spelling Bee on Friday, February 9th, starting at 9:30 a.m.
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SVM presented with $500 donation check from #500forGood

The #500forGood Program was started in 2018 by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka, with eight $500.00 gifts given out. This year, the organization is pleased to announce 52 recipients chosen from more than 120 submissions. The program is proud to play a small part in so many of the causes that communities believe in. This year, the Solomon Valley Manor in Stockton is one of the recipients due to Amber Muir with Solutions North Bank of Stockton, an FHLB member, answering the contest question, “If you had $500.00 to help your community, what would you do?”