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Insight From Kansas Farm Bureau

Fall harvest has come to a screeching halt for my family. We have had some minor issues that have slowed us down, but those issues are always expected during the marathon known as fall harvest. We began back in August picking corn. Since then, we have transitioned to popcorn followed by soybeans followed by sorghum with wheat sowing sprinkled into the mix starting in late September.
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Rachael Boyle, Phillips-Rooks District Extension Agent Agriculture and Natural Resources

One of my favorite things in the fall is flowering mums, also known as garden chrysanthemums. You may cut the plants back to 2 to 3 inches high once they have finished flowering. If you choose to cut the tops off, apply a layer of mulch over the top of your mums after the ground has frozen or if the forecast calls for a sharp drop in temperature. Some gardeners prefer to leave the top growth so that it provides some protection from fluctuating soil temperatures. Mums should not completely dry out during the winter. It may be necessary to water occasionally if sufficient rain or snow has not fallen.
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Anna Schremmer, K-State Research & Extension Family Consumer Science Agent for Phillips-Rooks District #5

When I traveled to Vermont to attend my nephew’s wedding, shopping was a must. I noticed that each unique store had maple syrup. About everywhere I went, restaurants, novelty shops, grocery stores, they all had maple syrup and not pancake syrup like what we purchase. When I returned home, I looked a little closer at our “maple” pancake syrup label.
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Rachael Boyle, Phillips-Rooks District Extension Agent Agriculture and Natural Resources

Musk Thistle Control in the Fall Musk thistle is one of 12 state-wide noxious weeds in Kansas infesting over 700,000 acres. Musk thistle has been reported in nearly every county in Kansas and is found primarily in pastures, rangeland, hay meadows, alfalfa, fallow, roadsides, and waste areas.
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Anna Schremmer, K-State Research & Extension Family Consumer Science Agent for Phillips-Rooks District #5

Medicare Part D Open Enrollment October brings cooler weather, shorter days, and the change in our health insurance plans. Medicare Part D (Prescription Drug Coverage) Open Enrollment begins on October 15 and continues through December 7th.
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Insight From Kansas Farm Bureau


As the summer begins to wind down, the fall crops filling the fields are slowly transitioning into their displays of color. For my family, the corn and soybeans that exhibited lush greens throughout the summer months have hit their peak in regard to their place on a color wheel and are beginning to dry down in time to gather the grain. While these two crops nearing harvest possess a beauty within the rich warm colors of fall, they are currently being outdone by two of our other crops.

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Anna Schremmer, K-State Research & Extension Family Consumer Science Agent for Phillips-Rooks District #5


Smell that bacon sizzling in the frying pan. That gets you out of bed and ready for breakfast faster than anything else, except maybe warm cinnamon rolls. Of course bacon is not just for breakfast, it is often used in many recipes and even put on top of maple covered donuts. But for me you can’t beat just plain ‘ole bacon & pancakes or a BLT, or bacon in baked beans, or bacon in a salad, or…..

Have you ever wondered about bacon and varieties available for you to purchase? How about the cooking shows and the different types of bacon they cook with?  

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Rachael Boyle, Phillips-Rooks District Extension Agent Agriculture and Natural Resources


Good customer service is essential to any business or organization. It does not matter if it is a restaurant or a tow truck service, having staff members who leave customers or anyone who encounters your business with that “wow, that was great” feeling directly influences the bottom line. Customer service has become more important than ever as more consumers are purchasing goods and services without ever crossing the threshold of a traditional storefront.