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Main Street Beautification Project discussed at City meeting

Thu, 03/26/2020 - 13:33
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At the Stockton City Commission meeting, held on Tuesday, March 17th, Stockton Chamber Director Jayne Prockish met with the commissioners to present suggestions for the Main Street Beautification Project. A committee comprised of Jayne Prockish, Sally Lowry, Julie Kriley, Julie Hahn and Denae Odle has been working on plans for the three business blocks of Main Street. A grant will be applied for to help with the cost to install planters at various locations on the sidewalks now that the trees have been removed. The use of native grasses, shrubs and perennial flowers will be incorporated. The committee will visit with the business owners as they move forward with the plans. The commissioners noted that they will approve matching funds for the project as discussed.

Prockish then asked the commissioners if they would approve the printing cost of $500.00 to help with brochures highlighting what there is to do in Stockton. It was the consensus of the commissioners to approve the cost, and asked Prockish to come back when the “What’s There To Do In Your Town” brochure is ready for printing.

After reviewing a request from the Stockton Rodders for a building permit for the addition of a rollup door, moving the flag pole and a sign by the former American Legion building, they approved it as presented. They also approved the west addition of the business building owned by Adam Bryant as outlined, noting that they would like to see the drawings for the addition before any work is done.

Solomon Valley Manor Administrator Amanda Atkisson was at the meeting and informed the commissioners that everything is on hold for the moment dealing with an addition to the facility. An architect will be needed to look at the building and present recommendations. Atkisson stated that the camera system she would like to have installed at the facility will cost $750.00.

A fifteen-minute executive session was then called for the purpose of discussing non-elected personnel. Present for the session were the commissioners, Atkisson and city manger Courtney Flower. There was no further discussion when the commissioners came back to the open meeting. The commissioners voted to pay a Solomon Valley Manor employee for shifts scheduled since she was in self quarantine due to traveling on a cruise ship and the COVID-19 outbreak. The employee will be paid her normal accumulated wages and she will not be required to take vacation or sick leave. The commissioners also approved the policy presented by Solomon Valley Manor Administrator Amanda Atkisson dealing with personal time off during COVID-19.

The commissioners then approved Ordinance 1661, which amends the City’s court cost amounts. They also approved the Stockton City fund status report as presented as well as the Solomon Valley Manor fund status report. A Solomon Valley Manor hand check to Freedom Claims in the amount of $107.10 was also approved by the commissioners.

During her City Manager/Clerk’s Report, Courtney Flower stated that the City had received the KDHE Waste Tire grant.

Flower updated the commissioners of the Rooks County Commission meeting she had attended earlier that day dealing with the game plan for the coronavirus pandemic. The Rooks County Emergency Management Facebook page is the official page for the County. Cities, health/ fire/EMS departments, the hospital, and other entities will send their information to the site as things change during the pandemic, as well as post their information on their own websites so the public can be updated as soon as possible.

At this time the City office is closed to the public and people are asked to pay their bills online or call the office if they have any questions.

Flower also announced that school has been closed for the remainder of the year.

At the start of the meeting, the commissioners approved the Consent Agenda as presented. The agenda included the Solomon Valley Manor gross payroll in the amount of $50,420.49, the Solomon Valley Manor warrants in the amount of $35,454.07, the City of Stockton warrants in the amount of $253,057.80 and the March 3rd regular meeting minutes.

Present for the meeting were commissioners Sandi Rogers, Reesa Brown, Bob Becker, Nathan Glendening and Don McLaughlin as well as city manager/clerk Courtney Flower and assistant city clerk Kayla Hilbrink.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m.