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This ‘n That

Tue, 12/05/2023 - 16:04
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* I loved watching the twirling and whirling of the fall leaves as they blew out of my yard into someone else’s yard.

* Only the elite few will get this. Whenever I see a Chevy Highlander on the road I look to see if Duncan MacLeod is driving it.

* If we all got along like the Little Rascals gang our world would be a much better place.

* Christmas To Do List Be Present Wrap someone in a hug Send Peace Donate Food Be the Light * Santa has been reading your posts all year. Most of you are getting dictionaries.

* Never in the history of calm down has anyone calmed down by being told to calm down.

* Who is of the age that they couldn’t wait to get the Sears and Roebuck catalog so you could start marking the pages that had the toys you wanted for Christmas?

* Would you rather have a gingerbread house or a pizza hut?

* This generation is from “If you quit crying I will buy you something.” I came from the generation of “If you don’t quit crying, I will give you something to cry about.”

* This was too cute not to share….What if Stacey’s Mom was Jessie’s Girl and her number was 8675309?

* Here is a hack if you purchase a real tree this Christmas. Before watering your tree, boil some water, let is stand for five minutes, then water the tree. This warm water keeps the sap from getting hard and allows the water to go up the bark. Cold water clogs the openings.

* Who remembers the avocado green kitchen appliances?

* Let’s get a party bus together that serves hot cocoa or coffee, and then drives around town so we can look at Christmas lights!