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56 Years Ago

* And So They Say: Bob Smith: “No one heard anything they didn’t already know after all that money was spent on the Warren Report.” Glenn Conn: “I never complain, I just comment.” Mrs. Ruth Marshall: “I still like the old-fashioned afternoon football games best.” Kenneth Medley: “It’s easy to get the little kids out for baseball and football, but when they get bigger they seem to lose interest.” * Ten-year-old Alan, the son of Mr.
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56 Years Ago

* And So They Say: Clarence Heiner: “I think I have lived in Stockton longer than an other person living here now—81 years.” Bump Arrington: “You don’t have to believe it if you don’t want to, but I drove through an inch of snow up at Glade last Thursday evening.” Mrs. Ben Niermeier: “They say the State Fair is very good, but we had a good Fair here, too.”
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56 Years Ago

* And So They Say: Chuck Hageman: “From what I learned at the abstractor’s meeting, practically everything will be done by automation ten years from now.” “Jimmie James: “We Stockton men didn’t do much good at the shoot at Plainville Sunday, but we made a lot of noise.” George Riffel: “We are living in town now— up on the hill, so you can still call me a hillbilly.”
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56 Years Ago

* And So They Say: Lee Phelps: “I truly labored on Labor Day.” Chuck Waller: “Bill Gouldman isn’t the only person who doesn’t know anything about buying hogs. My hog died of the heat almost before I got him out of the pen.” Alvy Wildrix: “I paid $10.00 a pound last spring for the seed for these watermelons.”
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56 Years Ago

* And So They Say: Bill Gouldman: “I’m a poor hog buyer—and you can quote me on that.” Harold Snyder of Lyons; “I have twelve grandchildren now, but I don’t think they come cheaper by the dozen.” Frances Nichols (week after the Fair): “This is Exhaustion Week.” Vera Peaslee: “If a person had a little more money, they could have all kinds of fun.”
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56 Years Ago

* And So They Say: Clara Mullen: “Everyone in this area should be proud of the fine camping area out at the Webster Reservoir. Why, it even drew a honeymoon couple last week.” Clark Stocking: “Don’t you hear my bones creaking now that I’m a grandpa?” Elizabeth Dryden: “I haven’t done any shooting lately as the dog hasn’t scared up anything but skunks, and they are pretty smelly.”
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56 Years Ago

* And So They Say: Chuck Waller: “It was almost unbelievable that the air conditioners had almost a week’s rest.” Dode Morrissey: “A fine vacation I get! I’m spending it in the store while my wife takes a vacation.” Homer McCauley: “I’m just living for the day that it rains.” Robert Osborn: “When the fine new school stadium is finished, they can have commencement exercises there instead of sweating it out in the auditorium.” Stella Willis: “I never saw such marvelous corn as I saw in Nebraska over the weekend.”
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56 Years Ago

* And So They Say: Howard Wanamaker: “About the only green thing one sees around here anymore are the weeds one sees growing along the edges of Main Street.” Ray Bigge: “Montana finally got around to paying its World War I bonus after 45 years. I just got mine today.” LeVeda Ives: “There are lots of interesting things to see in Kansas if people would just take the time to visit them.” Ina Copper: “I’ll certainly be glad when it starts snowing. I think I’ll go right out and walk barefoot in it.”
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56 Years Ago

SPOTLIGHTING THE YEAR…1963 * And So They Say: Jess Riffe: “This weather keeps me hopping, from air-conditioner to air-conditioner.” Erma Jean Price: “If anyone were to try to put a water well down now, they would have to go clear to China.” Clark Stockton (Monday): “If it were 30 degrees cooler, it would be a nice day.” * The water situation in Stockton was holding its own, but was still a serious matter and there was no indication as to when the restrictions were to be removed. City manager C.
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56 Years Ago

* And So They Say: Loyd Stice: “It rained three times on Sunday night and didn’t even wet the ground.” Mrs. Kenneth Roy: “The main souvenirs I brought home from the Worlds Fair were blisters on my heels.” Ray Bigge: “The worms have the leaves about all eaten off the elm trees now and I’m afraid they will start eating on the people next.”