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* And So They Say: John B. Smith: “If we had saved all the old stuff we carted out to the dump from the store over the years, we could probably sell it now for a small fortune to antique hunters.” Ed Riffel: “If you are looking for news at the Riffels, the only thing I can tell you is that we need rain.” Ilah Suhr: “When I hear everyone talking about how tired they got on their vacation trips, I think we were smart to just stay at home.”
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56 Years Ago

* And So They Say: Erma Jean Price: “When my husband goes fishing he always catches the same kind of fish—none.” Orville Livingston: “We came home with the same air in our tires, the same oil in the crankcase, and the same water in the radiator, but not the same gas in the tank.” Cleo Baughman: They say that life begins at forty—so I’m going to fly.”
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56 Years Ago

* And So They Say: Dave Oyer: “The only dirt I own is in my ears.” Lloyd Hollern: “I caught the biggest fish I ever caught in my life on the Fourth of July—a 9 1/2 pound channel cat.” L. D. Fuller: “My son, Lorenzo, and I are the same age—both, 4 and 5. He is 45 years old and I am 4 score and 5.” Ollie Ochampaugh: “I don’t complain about the weather because it wouldn’t do any good, and besides that, everyone is tired of hearing about it.”
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56 Years Ago


* And So They Say: Whitey Smee: “Anyone can cuss, but it takes brains to think.” Rae Hageman: “Whenever it doesn’t rain for a week or two, I’m sure it will never rain again.” Bud McComb: “I don’t think I helped the rodeo parade at Plainville any, but my four grandchildren who rode in it sure did.”

* Word had been received from the New York Office of the American Field Service that Stockton’s foreign exchange student for the 1964-65 school year was to be a girl from Holland named Johanna Venekamp.

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56 Years Ago

* And So They Say: John Towns: “Watch out what you say now that the Office Cat is home again.” Don Peebles: “If a person has nothing else to be glad for, he can be thankful he is still able to work.” Butch Marshall (age 7): “Well, I know this is Sunday morning because the wind blows every Sunday.” Ruth Phelps (at Girl Scout Day Camp when her notebook pages blew away): “There go my brains!” Leighton Marshall: “Rooks County is known to have deer, bobcats and bear, but I also found two buffalo while appraising in Fairview Township.”
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56 Years Ago

* And So They Say: Doyle Cook: “The fishing weather is always good on the days I have to work.” Lucille Skinner (Fort Worth, Texas): “I read where scientist are working on something which will lengthen our lives to 500 years. If they do, it will make the first 100 years worth living.” Foreign exchange student Mariano Flores: “I don’t know how I am going to get all the things I have accumulated since I’ve been here back to Chile.”
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56 Years Ago

* And So They Say: Chuck Waller: “What we need is more Sundays each week.” Fred Hulse: “We sold a fishing license last week to a couple from California who decided to stop off for a few days fishing at the reservoir. When Californians vacation in Kansas—that’s news.” LeVeda Ives: “ You can just look at my complexion and tell what I did over the weekend.”
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56 Years Ago

* And So They Say: Jerry Riseley: “Of course you will always find someone complaining about something in the paper, but there is no one who would want to live in a town without a newspaper.” Don Peebles: “We were in a regular ‘dirty thirty’ dust storm between Burlington and Limon going out to Colorado Springs and coming back it poured on us in the same area.” City Manager Harper: “Everyone had a freezing good time at the pool on opening day.”
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56 Years Ago

* And So They Say: Mary Alice Boethin: “I don’t see why they don’t open the swimming pool on the last day of school.” Erma Jean Price: “I made a mistake when I didn’t plant my garden in the dirt that had blown onto my window sill since that way it would have also been inside and protected from the sun and wind.” Matt Mullen: “When I catch ten walleyes—now that will be a news item!”
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56 Years Ago

* And So They Say: A. L. Pettijohn: “I’m getting meaner all the time and proud of it.” Lee Robinson: “Most of the things I think I know, turn out to not be so.” Lee Phelps: “When we were tearing out that partition in the store the other day, you would have thought the ‘Dirty Thirties’ were back again.” Merton Van Eaton: “I think kids should be given more responsibility so that it won’t come as such a jolt to them when they get older.”