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Buss named to NCTA Dean’s Honor Roll

The Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture recently announced the names of 64 students earning academic honors for the fall 2022 semester. Stockton High School graduate Nolan Buss was among those named to the Dean’s Honor Roll. To be on the Dean’s Honor Roll, full-time students must be enrolled with at least 12 credit hours, and have a GPA of 3.5 to 3.99.
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News From Lowell Township

Phone: 785-994-6370 (home) or 785-476-5206 Monday morning, February 20, I wore my heavy Carhartt coat, stocking hat, gloves, and winter skins (fancy for long underwear) to do morning chores and found it warm and didn’t need them. The weather was springlike, with birds singing and calves being born. Like typical Kansas weather, Wednesday and Thursday brought frigid temperatures, and the weekend was warm and sunny until Sunday evening, thunder and lightning brought a fast-moving shower. I have always liked calving season and watching little calves cavort, but warmer weather causes fewer worries. Adding to the stress, I watched a coyote creeping out of our windbreak one morning. Spring won’t arrive until March 20, but that never means “spring” in northwest Kansas.
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Governor Kelly announces more than $40M for 33 bridge projects across Kansas

Governor Laura Kelly and Kansas Transportation Secretary Julie Lorenz announced before the new year that $40.5 million will support 33 local and off-system bridge projects across the state, one of which includes a bridge in Rooks County. The bridge in Rooks County is located 2.2 miles south and 2.5 miles east of Plainville.
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Stockton Baptist Church

'OH, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!' No, I certainly don't mean it as a cursing, angry, or impatient response to some irritating behavior of another. Rather, I mean it as a longing desire to know more of God's love for a sinner like me! Sadly, many people reject both God and the fact that part of His very nature is love. Many reject the Bible, as well as even the existence of God, asking, 'How could a loving God send anyone to hell?' Or they might phrase it, 'How could a loving God allow all the suffering in the world?' While these are legitimate concerns, let's look at this from a biblical mindset. The Apostle John clearly stated, 'God is love' (1 John 4:8,16). Therefore, everything God does, He does from a spirit of agape love. Does that include when 'He destroyed all living things' as stated in Genesis 7:23? That doesn't seem very loving. Well, what actually happened? Genesis 6:5 says, 'Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.' The sin nature within mankind led everyone to rebel against God - except for Noah and his family. Even the very intentions of their hearts, before actually sinning outwardly, were evil. How did God respond to such blatant rebellion? He loved them. Therefore, God made Noah 'a preacher of righteousness' (2 Peter 2:5) and gave everyone 100 years to hear the truth, repent, and become true worshippers of Jehovah God. Despite such love and grace, not one person repented or turned from their paganness and put their faith in the promised Messiah (Jesus). IOW, their death was on them, not God. The Bible's best known verse is John 3:16, 'For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.' God offers forgiveness and eternal life through the death of His own Son. Now that's love! Oh, for the love of God!
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Three students from Rooks County earn fall 2022 semester honors at KSU

Three students from Rooks County are among the more than 4,200 Kansas State University students earning semester honors for their academic performance in the fall 2022 semester. Students earning a grade point average for the semester of 3.75 or above on at least 12 graded credit hours receive semester honors along with commendations from their deans.