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My “new year” resolutions

Tue, 07/13/2021 - 18:30
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We all celebrate New Year’s Day on January 1, and we probably all have certain traditions associated with that special day that we hold dear, such as watching parades and football games, or binge-watching movies; playing games with the family; eating a certain meal that is a family tradition; frying New Year’s Cookies!; reading a book; or just hibernating like a big ol’ bear. Whatever it is, I venture to say that just about everyone has a special tradition that is always associated with New Year’s Day.

What about New Year’s Resolutions... do you make a list of them? Or do you concentrate on at least one thing you want to do, or make, or learn, or visit? Perhaps you feel New Year’s Resolutions are a joke, or you know yourself well enough that whatever you set your mind to isn’t going to happen anyway.

But wait... there’s another “new year” day. It’s not a holiday, but it should be! (If I was in charge of the world, it WOULD be!) We probably eat a special meal, perhaps at a favorite restaurant, and we certainly eat dessert— traditionally cake and ice cream. And if we’re really lucky, we may even get to open a present or three. Of course, I’m talking about that birth anniversary! We all have them, until we don’t; so while we still do, it’s good to make the best of them!

I’ve got a new year day coming up later this week, and I’ve been making plans. My husband has already gifted me with KC Royals tickets, so there are some exciting plans in the works for that! But I’ve also been making plans for a couple of “new year resolutions” as I begin my 67th trip around the sun.

First of all, New Year Resolution #1 has to be: “Someday is Today.” After waking up 24,455 days so far in my lifetime, and not a single day more is guaranteed, there. are. no. more. excuses! There is no time to procrastinate for what I want to do, places I want to go, things I want to experience. Carpe diem! Seize the day, every day, all day! That’s my first personal mantra for my new year.

My second resolution is, “I Only Have Good Days.” That’s not entirely true (and my husband will raise an eyebrow when he reads this!); but truly, all things considered, I have nothing to complain about. Even when the weather barometer inside my body starts sounding alarms, I remind myself of all my blessings, starting with my precious family. With jobs that I love, food on the table, and a comfortable place to call home, how could I not have only good days!

And finally, I want to “Live Every Day With Passion and Purpose.” Yes, it is similar to my second mantra. Similar, but different. It’s getting a little late in my life to be thinking about what I want to be when I grow up. I’ve never figured out an answer to that question, anyway. Rather than “what” I want to be, the bigger question has always been: “WHO do I want to be when I grow up?” Well, now that I must admit to being grown up, I want to LIVE every day for the rest of my life! Yes, you read that right! Passionate in loving and being; purposeful in living and doing.

I may be getting old, but I’m a whole lot younger than I will be next year at this time, so now is the time to not take things or people or life, in general, for granted.

Someday is Today.

I Only Have Good Days.

Live Every Day With Passion and Purpose.

It’s going to be a good year!