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Short but busy meeting for city commissioners

During New Business at the Stockton City Commission meeting held on Tuesday, June 6th, the commissioners approved the appointment of Betty Cadoret to the Stockton Housing Authority Board. They also approved two building permits at 511 Pine Street for a shed replacement, and for Shayn Balthazor for a pod on his property to be used as an office. The commissioners then approved a Residential Revitalization application at 116 S Ash.
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Farmers bracing for one of worse wheat crops in decades

With wheat fields less than a few weeks from harvest in this area, farmers are bracing for what is projected to be the worst wheat crop in 60 years or more due to the prolonged drought. Stockton’s Farmers Union Elevator Manager Michael Carpenter states: “In the surrounding area, a lot of the acres have already been abandoned due to poor yields caused by the drought.
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Kansas resident reels in 64-pound fish


SHAWNEE – Kansas is known far and wide for its storied history of big buffalo, but one “buffalo” in particular will be remembered for entirely different reasons – a smallmouth buffalo. Topeka resident, Thayne Miller, has just set the new Kansas state record for the largest smallmouth buffalo caught in Kansas. The behemoth fish weighed 64.75 pounds and measured 45.25 inches long and had a total girth or circumference of 35 inches.

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Update on Ezra!

Willardene and Harry Purdum of Stockton appreciate all the prayers and support from the community for their great-grandson, Ezra Scott, who was diagnosed with chronic granulomatous more than two years ago. Here is the latest update shared by his parents, Jessica and Cameron Scott.
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County meets with the museum board about tree removal

The Rooks County Museum board members and director met with the Rooks County Commission on Tuesday, May 30th, to discuss the removal of the trees and bushes at the facility. Director Rick Gianni stated that the museum board had talked about the project last fall, with one member saying he would do the removal of the bushes. He has been busy, and with the momentum going to clean up the outside of the campus this summer, Gianni received a bid for the project. The work was halted through miscommunications, and since then, the museum board has met. The Board was at the morning meeting to ask the commissioners to approve the $900.00 for the project. The commissioners said they had approved the voucher at an earlier meeting, so the project could move forward as planned. The museum board said they would now send their monthly meeting minutes to the commissioners so everyone is aware of the proceedings of the museum.
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HCF receives three grants from the Patterson Family Foundation

The Heartland Community Foundation is thrilled to announce that it has been awarded three grants from the Patterson Family Foundation, totaling $199,126, to support the rural communities of Rooks, Trego, and Ellis counties. The grants aim to uplift these communities by making more future grant dollars available for charitable organizations and initiatives.
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Signed, sealed & delivered

Three generations of Stockton and rural mail carriers came to an end when Kim (Cadoret) French hung up her mailbag on Wednesday, May 31st, after 29 1/2 years of service. Her grandfather, Charlie Baxter, was a city and rural carrier during the 1940s, with her father, Joe, working as a rural carrier for many years.