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This ‘n That

* With the passing of Sidney Poitier there will be a small tear in my heart. I love, love, love the movie “Lilies of the Field,” and one of the most classic songs in all of cinematic history is from his movie, “To Sir, With Love.” His list of movies, as well as the ones he has directed, is legendary, not to mention the fact that he was one fine looking man.
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This ‘n That

* I am going to take away some of the power of the pandemic by writing Covid-19 instead of capitalizing the entire word. * That Christmas Crack toffee everyone loves is not just for Christmas! I read where you can make it for Valentine’s Day using red and pink sprinkles on the top, and change it up by swapping out the saltines with Ritz crackers! And maybe even add a little peanut butter! * February 22nd, 2022 (2/22/22) lands on a Tuesday this year! * Stockton PRIDE is looking for energetic volunteers to help with the events the organization hosts throughout the year.
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This and That

THIS AND THAT * Is it spring yet? * Not going to lie, Candace Cameron-Bure’s Hallmark Christmas movie this year was a tad disappointing. * I will not be watching the sequel to “Hocus Pocus.” * Who remembers K-Mart Blue Light Specials? * I read this and it made me laugh….“My Roomba just beat me to an M&M that I accidently dropped on the floor.
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This ‘n That

THIS AND THAT * This hardly ever happens to me… that’s when the stars and planets in the universe align exactly for something I have been looking for or wanting for a long time. Well, guess what!? It happened to me just the other day and I have to let you all know about it! First off, it wasn’t for something big, it was actually a CD I have been wanting for a long time.
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This ‘n That

THIS AND THAT * Okay, stop it with the Disco dancing cat commercial! If you have seen it, you know the one I am talking about. * Now before I make a comment about the TV show “NCIS,” I want you all to know I have followed actor Mark Harmon’s career since he was the UCLA quarterback in the early 1970s, even forgiving him when UCLA beat Nebraska.
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This ‘n That

* I was watching the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders TV show and they referenced a dance jump one of the rookie candidates made to a jump David Lee Roth, lead singer of Van Halen, is famous for. That girl had the nerve to say she doesn’t even know who David Lee Roth is. Well, you can’t blame her for being too young, you have to blame her for not knowing what good music is! And if I had heard her say that, she would not have even made it into the Cowboy Cheer camp! She’s a dancer and I am sure throughout her life she has danced to at least one Van Halen song!
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A Thanksgiving Blessing Mix!

Here are a few sweet and salty items to add to your Thanksgiving snack table this year to help spice it up! Besides the traditional roasted turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, corn bread and apple or pumpkin pie with three or four or five dollops (okay the entire container!) of whipped cream, check out these yummy tidbits…. Bugles—Symbolizing the cornucopia—the horn of plenty.