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Virgi's Views

* I am truly going to miss what I still refer to as the Scott Variety Store (Main Street Trading Post) in Stockton since it will need to be demolished. It has sentimental value to me and to my family, but most importantly, that is the place where I would buy my 45s and albums back in the day! The records used to be on display near the west front window area. I especially remember purchasing the album “Tea For the Tillerman” by Cat Stevens with my sister.
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Virgi’s Views On This ‘n That

THIS AND THAT * The Monkees were and will always be one of my favorite music groups since I watched their TV show when I was growing up and still watch the reruns today. I also have several of their albums because they had some great songs and Davy sure could play that tambourine! So when I read this about The Monkees, I just had to share it! And those of you who know anything about this music group will get this, and I know you will laugh just like I did.
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Virgi’s Views On This ‘n That

THIS AND THAT * Hey, who remembers Mr. Shier’s junior high English class? Do you all remember when we had to memorize the poem “Daffodils” by William Woodsworth? If nothing else, it does remind me of March and spring!! * This is so true…“Cooking a dinner takes like four or five hours, eating it takes like three seconds, and washing the dishes takes like seven or eight days and nights.” * Guess which quarterback NFL Hall Of Famer-to-be Peyton Manning’s kids like? I will give you one guess.
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Virgi’s Views On This ‘n That

* I want to take this opportunity to THANK the Rooks County’s school districts and the health care/medical personnel, as well as all of the teachers and school staff who made it a priority to keep the schools open during this pandemic. Having some sort of normalcy for the kids is key and you all have gone above and beyond to make that happen. It is greatly appreciated.
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Virgi’s Views On This ‘n That

* The other weekend I had a Denzel Washington movie marathon and I didn’t even plan for it! It just sort of happened. First, I watched his Oscar winning performance in “Training Day,” followed by the movie remake of “The Magnificent Seven.” Then on that Sunday afternoon, I went to the Nova Theatre and watched “Remember The Titans,” one of my all-time favorite football movies! Also want to add that two more of of my favorite Denzel movies are “Glory” and “Much Ado About Nothing.” Plus, I have to put a plug in for my Russell Crowe and Denzel teaming up for “American Gangster” and “Virtuosity.”